Asia Law Network Blog

Law Firm Feature: Dorothy Chai and Mary Ong Law Practice – Matrimonial Lawyers with Hearts

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A quick history of your law firm

Dorothy Chai and Mary Ong Law Practice (DCMO) was started in July 2016. Its two founding partners, Dorothy Chai and Mary Ong had been close friends and business collaborators for the past few years. Sometime in 2015, they were inspired to open a joint legal practice that focused on ‘practicing matrimonial and family law in a different way’ and to pass their aspirations down to the next generation of young lawyers.

What does your firm specialise in?

Both Dorothy Chai and Mary Ong are well known as being very specialised matrimonial lawyers who have fought and won cases in the highest of courts in Singapore. However, before specialising in family law practice, both Dorothy and Mary were general litigators who were known to be tenacious lawyers who had clients ranging from high networth individuals to your everyday man in the street.

Since then, Mary has built quite a reputation as being a child-specialist lawyer who engages in the most entrenched custody, care and control conflicts while trying to find a solution that would help enable the child to have a healthy and strong relationship with both his/her mother and father.

As for Dorothy, she has taken part in several high profile cases involving individuals of high networth following their marital breakdown as well as cases involving international family law dealing with complex issues of jurisdiction challenges.

Together, Mary and Dorothy form a formidable team having a current team of 2 associates and 1 consultant, to pursue justice, establish harmony and to promote conciliation in the many messy areas of Family Law.

From left to right: Jeanette Lai, Mary Ong, Chong Yue-En, Alyssa Ho, Cherissa Tan and Dorothy Chai

If your law firm were a person, who would you be?

If DCMO was a person, it would be Wonder Women. The beauty of DCMO is not just restricted to the skill that DCMO lawyers show when handling their cases, but it also reflects the beauty of the hearts of DCMO lawyers as they journey alongside their clients to lead their clients to a better place than when they first came into the firm. DCMO is also strong like Wonder Woman and also carries the lasso of truth, which is of utmost importance as DCMO believes that ‘truth will lead to freedom’.

Tell us about your team

DCMO is led by Dorothy Chai and Mary Ong. The other members of the team include our consultant, Chong Yue-En and three associates, Alyssa Ho, Cherissa Tan and Jeanette Lai.

Sum up your law firm in just 3 words

Faith. Responsibility. Dexterous.

Speak to a lawyer at DCMO

If you have any question about Family Law, you can get a Quick Consult with Yue-En for a transparent, flat fee of S$49. You can expect a call back within 1-2 days on the phone to get legal advice and have your questions answered. Alternatively, you can request a quote from any of the lawyers from Dorothy Chai and Mary Ong Law Practice.

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