Asia Law Network Blog

Lawyers in Hong Kong: Janice Chew from JC Legal

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In this Lawyers in Hong Kong feature, we interview Janice Chew, Principal and Solicitor of JC Legal.  Janice was qualified as an advocate and solicitor in Malaysia in 2008 and as a solicitor in Hong Kong in 2014. She specializes in commercial litigation and transactions, intellectual property, shareholder disputes, insolvency, employment and compliance in Asia. She now dedicates her practice to her biggest passion: empowering small-and-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with her expertise by starting one of her own.

Tell us more about yourself and your main practice areas

I came from Malaysia to Hong Kong seven years ago and have been staying here since then. I am now practising in both Malaysia and Hong Kong, specialising in various commercial matters including litigation and transaction, intellectual property, shareholder disputes, insolvency, employment and compliance.

Previously I worked for manufacturers as an in-house counsel and for a notable law firm as part of an investigation team. While working for traditional corporations and law firms, whose clients and business partners are also well-connected, I couldn’t help wondering how younger businesses could break the bubble and access the professional legal services they need. Legal and compliance support is actually the groundwork of any business. Whether a business is seeking regular services or project-based solutions, they should be able to locate a professional and hire at an affordable rate. It’s like a mobile doctor, who can be the go-to person for irregularities for some and also a family doctor for others.

This is what I have in mind when I started JC Legal this January. We customise legal solutions for small-and-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups. As a start-up ourselves, we know about budget constraints, so we quote competitive and realistic rates. Our team of lawyers specialise in a wide range of corporate and commercial, family and personal matters in Hong Kong, the Chinese mainland, Malaysia, the United Kingdom and the United States.

What made you choose to be a lawyer? Do you feel that the same reason still drives you today?

I started my legal training as a result of a very typical reason (which possibly resonates with many lawyers): I can remember things quite well and wasn’t inclined to quantitative subjects like accounting and mathematics. As I studied further and actually became a lawyer, I grow to love lawyering. I enjoy delivering the practice and coming up with creative ways to grow it by making the profession relevant to various sectors.

Do you have any regrets or something that you wished to do differently? Any word of advice for younger lawyers and aspiring lawyers?

I would say I wish I had started to be more sociable earlier on. When I started to develop my own practice, I became more aware of the importance of growing your network. This is also what I would suggest for aspiring lawyers: working in the office is just a small part of lawyer life, one has to open up more to social life and grow your practice from there.

What motivates and drives you on a daily basis?

I’m motivated by challenge. It always excites me when I come up with a solution to my client’s problems.

Could you share with our readers one thing that resonates with you personally?

“Success is a matter of choice.” There can be myriad factors for success and each one is significant in its own way. For me, I believe it is more about how you make your decisions and what you do to become who you want to be.

Please share a bit more about your personal interests and passions outside lawyering.

I love working out and spending time with family and friends. It’s my way of balancing out professional life.

Need legal advice?

If you are in need of legal advice, you may get a Quick Consult with Janice for a transparent, flat fee and expect a call back within 1-2 days to get your questions answered.

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