Reading Time: 5 minutesSingapore is known for many great things, top-in-the-world education, clean streets, brilliant infrastructure/city planning, great food among countless others. These things are what attract many foreigners to its shores where many eventually fall in love with the country and wish to become a citizen. However, how does one accomplish that? Eligibility for Citizenship Firstly, one […]

Ronald Chu
1 Articles0 CommentsRonald graduated from the University of Tasmania with an LLB (Hons) in 2015 and was called to the Singapore Bar in July 2018. He joined Sim Mong Teck & Partners in late 2018 and has since been assisting the managing partner of the firm in advising clients on immigration matters in 3 broad prospects; application of Singapore Permanent Residence through the Global Investor Programme and advising such clients on their applications for renewal of permanent residence and conversion to Singapore Citizenship. He also assists in advising clients on family office set up, family legacy planning and acting for clients in probate and administration matters. In addition, Ronald has assisted the Managing Partner and Senior Partner on all aspects of real aspects, property and conveyancing work including sale and purchase of residential, commercial and industrial properties, leases and mortgages. He also has a keen interest in corporate matters, and has accordingly advised and undertaken work in these aforesaid areas.