A Primer on Double-entry Bookkeeping

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe idea of double-entry bookkeeping sounds confusing, doesn’t it? Many people are confused by the concept of double-entry accounting systems though it is one of the most standard of accounting practices. You might think that the easiest way of keeping track of your accounts is to simply make a single recording of every transaction made […]

How to Read a Financial Statement

Reading Time: 3 minutesWhether you are an investor, employee, board member or owner of your own SME, knowing how to read a financial statement is a skill you will need to call upon if you want to make informed decisions regarding spending, investing and more. Sure, you might rather leave the interpretation of financial documents to your accountant […]

Fraud Auditing, Investigation and Forensic Accounting

Reading Time: 4 minutesAnyone who has read the autobiography of Frank Abagnale, “Catch Me if You Can” (also adapted into a film starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks) would be surprised by the ease conmen find weaknesses in controlled processes. By the tender age of 21, Frank Abagnale had already defrauded banks of 2.5 million via bad cheques […]

Accountants and Early-stage Startups

Reading Time: 4 minutesIt is common for early-stage startups to put off hiring an accountant, either because they think they don’t need one or because they think they can’t afford one. In some cases, the idea of retaining an accountant is not even on the radar of early-stage founders yet. While it might seem too soon to some, […]

Real Estate Investments in Southeast Asia: How Safe is Your Money?

Reading Time: 3 minutesHave you been reading up on the financial benefits of buying rental property in Southeast Asia? Are you thinking that the time is right to let your money earn more in these emerging markets? Maybe you’ve found a resort you’d like to invest in and you’re really close to picking up the phone to call […]

capital requirements for setting up a company in thailand_asia law network
Capital Requirements for Setting Up a Company in Thailand

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe amount of capital needed to set up a company in Thailand seems like a straightforward question that would beget a straightforward answer. However, that’s not the case. The assets needed to open a company in Thailand are fairly straightforward for Thai nationals but become more complicated once foreigners start getting involved. The issue of capital […]

company formations_thailand_asia law network
Company Formations in Thailand

Reading Time: 3 minutesThere are several different types of companies in Thailand that are legally recognized and each serves different needs, corporate structures, and functions. The kind of company you form depends on the ownership, stakeholders and location of the business taking place and profit being made. If you are looking at forming a company in Thailand, it […]

5 steps to setting up a company in thailand_asia law network
The Five Steps to Setting Up a Company in Thailand

Reading Time: 3 minutesForming a company in Thailand provides many benefits. Under the auspice of your company you can hire employees, buy property and conduct business. The requirements of setting up a company in Thailand are not hard and can be accomplished within a week or two if you have the correct paperwork at hand. The process of […]

An introduction to the Knowledge Archive

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe Knowledge Archive is written and built with different users in mind. Although the initial focus is on law and the legal industry in Singapore, the articles will expand into other professional areas as our platform develops. Some readers may seek to further their understanding of certain topics before seeking professional assistance. Other readers come […]