Jacqueline Chua, Managing Partner of Jacque Law, speaks to us about medical negligence

Reading Time: 4 minutesWe interviewed Jacqueline Chua—the Managing Partner of Jacque Law LLC, an up-and-coming boutique law firm which specialises in medical negligence cases and private client matters—to find out more about how her practice helps her clients through their most difficult and vulnerable times. Prior to founding her firm, Jacqueline trained and practised at the most reputable […]


Reading Time: 1 minutes简介
就上述第一种情况,我们在早前在〈医疗疏忽——认识医护人员对病人的责任〉一文中已探讨了如何采用Bolam测试确定须具备的谨慎责任的标准。至于第二种情况,由于英国最高法院在Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board [2015] UKSC 11一案中的裁决,Bolam v Friern Hospital Management Committee [1957] 1 WLR 582案中确立的传统测试(「Bolam测试」)在英国不再适用。

Who is responsible if an AI diagnoses your disease wrongly? 

Reading Time: 6 minutesAs technology advances, Artificial Intelligence (AI) will play an increasingly greater role in both simple and complex tasks that humans were previously tasked to complete. The healthcare sector is no exception, with Clinical Decision Support (CDS) software unlocking the potential for hospitals to assess individual diagnoses while cutting costs. As the adoption of this technology into […]