HONG KONG: Court of Final Appeal confirms “obtaining access to computer with a view to dishonest gain” should not apply to a person’s own devices

Reading Time: 4 minutesIntroduction The wide interpretation of the charge of “obtaining access to computer with a view to dishonest gain for himself or another” under section 161(1)(c) of the Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200) (the “s.161(1)(c) Charge”) was considered in the Court of First Instance (“CFI”) in Secretary for Justice v Cheng Ka Yee and others[2018] HKCFI 1809, which was […]


Reading Time: 1 minutes简介

近期原讼法庭在一宗司法复核案件Sham Wing Kan v Commissioner of Police [2017] HKCU 2725审理了一个重要问题——警务人员是否有权在没有手令的情况下搜查及审查被捕人士身上的手机及其他个人数码通讯设备上的数码内容?

Parties to arbitration in Hong Kong can apply for interim measures in Mainland China

Reading Time: 3 minutesBackground Under the Hong Kong’s existing Arbitration Ordinance (Cap. 609), the parties to arbitral proceedings in other places, including Mainland China, may apply to the courts of Hong Kong for interim measures. However, under the Arbitration Law and Civil Procedure Law of Mainland China, only parties to arbitrations seated in Mainland China and administered by […]

HONG KONG: Can an internal non-legal representative of a litigant be a member to a confidentiality ring?

Reading Time: 4 minutesIntroduction Taching Petroleum Company Limited (“Taching”) and Shell Hong Kong Limited (“Shell”) have respectively sold industrial diesel oil to Meyer Aluminium Limited (“Meyer”) and sue for the diesel oil purchase price. In its defence, Meyer argued that Taching and Shell have colluded to fix the price or exchanged price information in breach of the First […]


Reading Time: 1 minutes随着全球知识产权交易日益增加,人们更需要高效的争议解决程序。为推动香港成为知识产权交易枢纽及国际知识产权仲裁及调解中心,律政司于2015年12月发布了《2016 年仲裁(修订)条例草案》咨询文件,旨在了解是否需要就知识产权争议的仲裁问题修订法例。目前,香港既没有具体法例条文、亦没有权威性的判例清楚说明,香港法律是否承认涉及知识产权争议的仲裁结果。香港法例第609章《仲裁条例》并无说明哪些种类的主题事宜可透过仲裁解决。

HONG KONG: The SFC’s most severe disciplinary actions taken against sponsors

Reading Time: 7 minutesIntroduction On 14 March 2019, the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) reprimanded and fined UBS AG and UBS Securities Hong Kong Limited (collectively, “UBS”), Merrill Lynch Far East Limited (“Merrill Lynch”), Standard Chartered Securities (Hong Kong) Limited (“Standard Chartered Securities”) and Morgan Stanley Asia Limited (“Morgan Stanley”) a sum of HK$375 million, HK$128 million, HK$59.7 […]


Reading Time: 1 minutes香港的楼价持续高昂,有能力自置物业组织爱巢的年轻情侣或新婚夫妇并不多,因此近年出现一种现象,就是子女婚后与伴侣跟其中一方的父母同住,或者由父母「资助」子女置业的首期。

在离婚案件中,如何判断婚前资产的真正实益拥有人,往往是个棘手的问题。在YKYM v YMCT [2013] HKEC 487一案中,家事法庭就需要裁断双方在伦敦的婚姻居所究竟是母亲送给儿子和媳妇共同享有结婚礼物,还是只是交由他们以信托形式代她持有。

HONG KONG: What can you do if a camera in a taxi or hailed car captures your private actions and the video goes viral?

Reading Time: 5 minutesIntroduction Video cameras have been installed inside some taxi and hailed car compartments in Hong Kong for security and safety purposes. They would record the video images of the passengers. Some unscrupulous drivers might share or upload the recorded video clip online to social media or sell the clip to a media company without any […]


Reading Time: 1 minutes在Acron International Technology Limited v Chan Yiu Wai & Anor HCA 1709/2010(裁决日期:2016年1月25日)一案中,原告人成功控告一名前雇员在终止受雇后,申请一项与原告人开发的技术相似的专利,这是原讼法庭首次就《专利条例》第57(1) 条作出裁决。


HONG KONG: HKEx’s censure of Golden Meditech and censure/criticism of various directors

Reading Time: 6 minutesIntroduction The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited censured Golden Meditech Holdings Limited (the “Company”) (stock code: 801) and a number of its current and former directors for committing numerous serious breaches of the Listing Rules in relation to the disclosure and shareholders’ approval requirements as well as the directors’ ability and the failure to […]

我能否带孩子离开香港?– 解读香港法庭审理的搬迁案例

Reading Time: 1 minutes香港是国际金融中心,因为工作搬迁到此的情况也是十分常见。父母离异时,其中一方到底能不能带孩子回到本国的家?




Reading Time: 1 minutes于2015年7月29日,平等机会委员会(「平机会」)公布,已根据《性别歧视条例》(「该条例」)在区域法院代表一名女士(「申索人」)向其前雇主(「雇主」)提出法律诉讼,追究雇主:(i) 须就其雇员作出的非法性骚扰行为负上转承责任;及 (2) 由于申索人提出性骚扰投诉(「该案件」)而令她遭到受害歧视。