To our learned friends in the law profession, the deadline is coming up to reapply for your practising certificate for practice year 2016/2017. And it goes without saying that there are a required number of CPD points that you need under your belt in order to make that application.
So for those of you who might be looking to catch up on those last few points, we’ve come up with this handy list of Accredited CPD Activities that are available this March.
Internalising Externalities: An Enterprise Risk Approach To Vicarious: Liability In The 21st Century
This seminar discusses how the law of vicarious liability should evolve to meet the exigencies of contemporary times. These include recognising the multiplicity of modern work arrangements beyond the traditional employment contract, as well as deterring sexual assault of young and vulnerable victims by those placed in positions of power, and ensuring that such victims receive just and adequate compensation for the ordeal they have suffered.
Start Date – 2/3/2016
End Date – 2/3/2016
Time – 1730 – 1900
No. of hours – 1 hr 30 mins
Organiser – National University of Singapore Faculty of Law
Venue – Seminar Room 4-2, Level 4, Blk B • Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore (Bukit Timah Campus)
No. of public CPD points – 1
Practice Area – Corporate/Commercial
Training Level – General
Summary of Course
Registration Link
CLAS Criminal Law Training Programme Module 8: Securing Bail
Overarching Goal
The criminal defender will understand the importance of zealous advocacy at the mention stage to ensure that bail is granted, and will develop skills and strategies to advocate for alternatives to detention at every stage of the process.
Learning Outcomes
The criminal defender will:
- Understand the psychological impact of detention on the client
- Understand the importance of release of the client pending trial for investigation, case preparation and case outcomes
- Understand the law supporting right to counsel at the first mention
- Understand the purpose of bail and the legal basis on which bail is set at certain amounts or denied entirely
- Understand difference between “IC bail” and “real bail”
- Understand the difference between bailable and non-bailable offences
- Know the basis on which review of bail can be sought
Start Date – 3/3/2016
End Date – 3/3/2016
Time – 1630-1800
No. of hours – 1 hr 30 min
Organiser – Law Society of Singapore
Venue – State Courts Bar Room
No. of public CPD points – 1
Practice Area – NA
Training Level – NA
Summary of Course
Registration Link
Seminar on ‘”Exhaustion” – A Guiding Concept in the Digital World?’
In this seminar, Dr. Reto Hilty addresses the question whether and to what extent the “exhaustion rule” still applies in the digital age. In particular, Dr. Hilty’s analysis focuses on business models in which downloading is replaced by mere streaming. In the light of absent copies to which the “first-sale doctrine” could apply, Dr. Hilty explores questions like the transferability of users’ rights (with a special view to “implied license doctrine”), what we might learn from the software debate (“Used-Soft”), and whether it is really up to copyright law to provide an appropriate protection of consumers’ interests.
Start Date – 3/3/2016
End Date – 3/3/2016
Time – 0930-1100
No. of hours – 1 hr 30 min
Organiser – Singapore Management University
Venue – SMU School of Accountancy/Law Building Level 3, Seminar Room 3-1 60 Stamford Road Singapore 178900
No. of public CPD points – 1
Practice Area – Intellectual Property
Training Level – General
Summary of Course
Registration Link
The Expert Witness: What They Do, The Rules They Follow and How to Instruct Them
From Construction to Criminal cases, Information Technology to Investment Management, Expert Witnesses are credible, in-demand professionals who are confident in understanding and resolving often complex and detailed disputes. They are also experienced at giving evidence under oath and often called upon to do so in their area of expertise.
Acting as an expert witness involves consideration of all the evidence to be presented at trial and then advising the Court on the areas where fault lies and where liability rests. A report is provided to the court, and where necessary, the expert is called to give evidence under oath. It is also frequently necessary for the expert to meet with other experts appointed by other parties and resolve where they agree and disagree on the merits of the case.
As Singapore continues to develop its role as an Asian legal hub, whether involving Mediation, Arbitration or Adjudication the demand for Expert Witnesses increases.
However, for an Expert Witness to perform correctly, they need to understand clearly the rules that govern the role of an Expert Witness in Singapore and to be instructed correctly.
The Law Society of Singapore and the Expert Witness Institute is pleased to present a seminar that seeks to examine and discuss the role of the Expert Witness in Singapore’s expanding legal sector.
Start Date – 7/3/2016
End Date – 7/3/2016
Time – 1430-1650
No. of hours – 2 hr 20 min
Organiser – The Law Society of Singapore
Venue – The Law Society of Singapore, 39 South Bridge Road, Singapore 05867
No. of public CPD points – 1.5
Practice Area – Civil Procedure
Training Level – General
Summary of Course
Registration Link
Public Lecture – The Protection of Geographical Indications: From Europe to Asean, What is at Stake? (FULL)
The registration for the Public Lecture on “The Protection of Geographical Indications: From Europe to ASEAN, what is at Stake?” is now closed as the lecture is fully subscribed.
Should you wish to be included in the waiting list, please email: [email protected] to indicate your interest.
In this lecture, Dr. Delphine Marie-Vivien will address the recent developments on the law of geographical indications (GIs), with a special focus on ASEAN countries. In particular, she will recount how the historic concept of GIs, as it was originally developed in Europe and in France as a means to identify products having certain qualities and characteristics and coming from specific geographical regions, has been later “internationalized” as part of the adoption of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects to Intellectual property Rights (TRIPS). As a result, most countries in ASEAN have implemented today ad hoc sui generis GI protection and a large number of GIs is registered throughout the various ASEAN countries, nationally and also beyond the country of origin. Some ASEAN GIs, for example, are registered in the European Union. Yet, several challenges still subsist with respect to the implementation of a comprehensive and effective GI protection in ASEAN, and even more with respect to the management of GIs at the “post-registration” stage. Dr. Marie-Vivien will elaborate on these challenges with particular emphasis on the importance of quality control for GI products in ASEAN countries, the effective use of the GIs by GI producers, and the current status of interaction, but also confusion, with the system of collective and certification trademarks in the various national legislations at issue.
Start Date – 9/3/2016
End Date – 9/3/2016
Time – 1500-1630
No. of hours – 1 hr 30 min
Organiser – Singapore Management University
Venue – SMU Li Ka Shing Library Level 2, Hive 70 Stamford Road Singapore 178901
No. of public CPD points – 1
Practice Area – Intellectual Property
Training Level – General
Summary of Course
Registration Link (Full)
2nd IBA Asia-based International Financial Law Conference
A conference co-presented by the IBA Banking Law Committee and the IBA Securities Law Committee, with the support of the IBA Asia Pacific Regional Forum
Topics will include:
- Attractions of and challenges in tapping the capital markets in Asia
- Dispute resolution in cross-border investment and trade
- Cross-border banking in Asia
- Rise of shareholder activism in Asia
- Growth of Islamic finance in Asia
- Standardisation of loan documents in Asia
- Financing mergers and acquisitions in Asia
- Evolving banking regulations and post-2008 financial centres
- Asian sovereign wealth funds
- Covered bonds in Asia
Start Date – 10/3/2016
End Date – 11/3/2016
Time – 10th: 0800-1730, 11th: 830-1730
No. of hours – 18hrs 30 mins
Organiser – International Bar Association
Venue – Marina Bay Sands
No. of public CPD points – 6 Points (Day 1), 6 Points (Day 2)
Practice Area – Corporate/Commercial
Training Level – General
Summary of Course
Registration Link
CLAS Criminal Law Training Programme Module 9: Interactions with Police and Prosecutors
Overarching Goal
The criminal defender will learn how to interact effectively with key players in a proceeding to further the client’s stated interests and strategic goals in a case.
Learning Outcomes
The criminal defender will:
- Learn to build allies among adversaries and other key players in a proceeding, while maintaining complete loyalty to the client
- Understand the importance of communication with other stakeholders in the criminal justice system, and learn fundamental principles of negotiation
- Learn to work effectively with DPPs to ensure the client’s desired outcome without violating client confidence
- Learn strategies for appearing before difficult judges
- Ensure the client understands the defender’s relationship with other parties and the purpose of negotiations
Start Date – 10/3/2016
End Date – 10/3/2016
Time – 1630-1800
No. of hours – 1 hr 30 min
Organiser – Law Society of Singapore
Venue -State Courts Bar Room
No. of public CPD points – 1
Practice Area – NA
Training Level – NA
Summary of Course
Registration Link
CML Seminar Series: Developments in Letters of Credit Law (FULL)
We have reached the maximum number of participants for this event. However, you may want to register at http://tinyurl.com/cmlsswaitlist to be included in our waiting list. Kindly note that this does not confirm registration and we will contact you via e-mail if there is any vacancy. Please note there are currently over 18 persons in the wait list.
Recent practices in letters of credit – having one’s UCP and eating it too? Letters of credit (LCs) are clearly a crucial form of payment in international trade – however their use (and abuse) has been anything but controversy free. They are often misunderstood by non-commercial people who fear and question, sometimes rightly, their amorality, susceptibility to fraud and money laundering and strictures. For the maritime and trade industry, LCs are seen as a benefit and an evil, in comparable measure. Shipping and trade finance professionals deal with them on a regular basis but are often frustrated at their lack of flexibility. This seminar will examine how the law and practice of LCs have continued to evolve in the midst of such criticisms and interests. In particular, it will discuss how the principle of strict compliance continues to plague merchants and banks by highlighting some of the day to day problems the ICC Technical Advisors have to deal with, especially in relation to shipping documentation. A matter of some importance is the practice of excluding parts of the UCP 600 from the LC. It is understandable that merchants want flexibility, and excluding parts of the UCP 600 or introducing new concepts (such price escalation clauses, sanction clauses, Islam compliant stipulations, etc.) omitted in the UCP 600 might be a means of creating a more flexible financial device without wanting to lose the cover of the UCP 600. The seminar will address some of the practical and legal risks this can cause. Last but not least, some discussion about the rights and obligations between banks will be made.
Start Date – 10/3/2016
End Date – 10/3/2016
Time – 1630-1745
No. of hours – 1 hr 15 min
Organiser – National University of Singapore Faculty of Law
Venue – Maxwell Chambers Pte Ltd, 32 Maxwell Road #03-01, Singapore 069115
No. of public CPD points – 1
Practice Area – Admiralty / Shipping
Training Level – General
Summary of Course
Registration Link (Full)
Seminar on Electronisation of Transferable Documents Or Instruments Used in International Trade
This event is organised by The Association of Banks in Singapore. The seminar seeks to introduce the participants to important international developments in respect of electronic transferable records (electronic versions of transferable documents or instruments such as bills of lading, bills of exchange, promissory notes and warehouse receipts).
Start Date – 10/3/2016
End Date – 11/3/2016
Time – Thursday 10 Mar 2016 – 09:00 AM to 5:10 PM Friday 11 Mar 2016 – 12:20 PM
No. of hours – 1.5 days seminar
Organiser – United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), AttorneyGeneral’s Chambers of Singapore (AGC) and The Association of Banks in NSingapore (ABS)
Venue – Grand Ballroom, The Ritz-Carlton Millenia Singapore
No. of public CPD points – 9
Practice Area – Others (Corporate / Commercial, Shipping, Banking and Finance, Electronic Commerce
Training Level – General
Summary of Course
Registration Link – (registration password: AGC310)
Financial Condition Analysis
Financial statements on their own are of little use to us if we do not know how to read and understand them. This session starts with an introduction to financial statements and their components and then explores key areas of analysis that might be undertaken to better understand the financial performance, liquidity, efficiency and position of a company.
Start Date – 11/3/2016
End Date – 11/3/2016
Time – 1230-1400
No. of hours –
Organiser – Matson Driscoll & Damico
Venue – 10 Collyer Quay #05-10 Ocean Financial Centre Singapore 049315
No. of public CPD points – 1
Practice Area – Corporate / Commercial
Training Level – General
Summary of Course
Registration Link – Registration: Tracy Chung | [email protected] | +65 6327 3785
Seminar on “New Developments in Chinese IP Laws”
In this presentation, Dr Li will focus on the recent developments in trademark, copyright, and patent law in China. In particular, trademark law had been amended three times in 1993, 2001 and 2013, while copyright law is currently being amended for the third time, and patent law the fourth time.
Dr Li will describe these developments and address the following questions: what are the forces driving these legislative reforms? How have the changes affected social, economical and technological development in China? What are the key issues being debated for the on-going copyright and patent law amendments which may have important implications for the stake-holders in the international business community?
In her presentation, Dr Li will refer to the relevant legislative developments in IP laws in China as well as she will use recent cases to illustrate how a foreign businesses could, and should, protect their IP rights in the Chinese market. Dr Li will conclude by briefly introducing the creation and operation of the specialized IP courts in China.
Start Date – 15/3/2016
End Date – 15/3/2016
Time – 0900-1230
No. of hours – 3 hr 30 min
Organiser – Singapore Management Unviersity
Venue – SMU School of Accountancy/Law Building Level 3, Seminar Room 3-1 60 Stamford Road Singapore 178900
No. of public CPD points – 3
Practice Area – Intellectual Property
Training Level – Update
Summary of Course
Registration Link
IP in the Cloud
Cloud Computing is changing the way people access services and computing resources. With the rapid growth in the number of cloud-based service providers and customers, more people begin realising that
their IP are now at risk. The nature of cloud-based services also makes understanding how data and content in the cloud are being stored, shared and accessed more difficult. In this Seminar, you will learn about the complex IP
issues relating to data on the Cloud, IP rights and liabilities of cloud service providers/customers and many more.
- Learn more about IP issues relating to data on the Cloud
- Understanding key contractual clauses in Cloud service agreements
- Comprehending copyright infringement in the Cloud
- Lawyers
- In-House counsel
- IP owners
- IP Professionals
Start Date – 15/3/2016
End Date – 15/3/2016
Time – 1400 – 1730
No. of hours – 3 hr 30 min
Organiser – IP Academy Singapore
Venue – SMU School of Economics & Social Sciences Seminar Room 2.4 90 Stamford Road Singapore 178903
No. of public CPD points – 3
Practice Area – Intellectual Property
Training Level – Advanced
Summary of Course
Registration Link
Domestic & International Law Responses to the Transboundary Haze
Last year, a haze of smoke descended on Singapore, Malaysia, and other parts of South East Asia. This has happened nearly every year since 1997. Foreign Affairs Minister, Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan, has called the trans-boundary haze crisis a ‘man-made tragedy and a crime’. It begs the question: to what extent can domestic and international law provide a remedy for any harm suffered as a result of the haze and motivate those responsible to change their behavior?
In this seminar, distinguished local and international lawyers will explain how states have an obligation under international law to take measures to prevent the spread of pollution to neighbouring countries; how neighbouring states, as well as private persons and corporate entities, can pursue a claim in international law against a state for excessive pollution; the relevance of other international law developments, such as human rights due diligence responsibilities of states and companies; and potential recourses available under domestic law.
- Mr Mark Mangan will examine the international law obligations of states to prevent transboundary pollution and the recourse available for aggrieved persons under bilateral investment treaties.
- Professor Robert McCorquodale will consider the obligations imposed upon states and other subjects of international human rights law to prevent haze pollution.
- Assistant Professor Mahdev Mohan will analyse Singapore’s Transboundary Haze Pollution Act, and the remedies it provides.
A round-table discussion on these important topics will follow led by Mr Thio Shen Yi SC and Professor Romesh Weeramantry.
Start Date – 15/3/2016
End Date – 15/3/2016
Time – 1730 – 1930
No. of hours – 2 hrs 30 mins
Organiser – SMU
Venue – Quiet Area (Level 5, Li Ka Shing Library) 70 Stamford Road Singapore 178901
No. of public CPD points – 2
Practice Area – Alternative Dispute Resolution
Training Level – Intermediate
Summary of Course
Registration Link
The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement – A Tipping Point for Investor-State Dispute Settlement
The final text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) was released on Thursday 5 November 2015. In 30 chapters, the TPP covers a wide range of subjects, from traditional trade liberalisation through to services, investment, environmental protection and labour standards.
Over the years leading up to the release of the final version, the TPP’s Investment Chapter has generated a heated debate over its Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanisms. The ISDS critics have put forward a plethora of arguments against the ISDS, while the proponents defend ISDS as the only viable investor-state dispute resolution mechanism.
The panel will discuss the TPP’s ISDS mechanisms in the context of the critics’ ‘backlash’.
Start Date – 16/3/2016
End Date – 16/3/2016
Time – 1600 – 1830
No. of hours – 2 hr 30 min
Organiser – SMU
Venue – SMU Administration building Level 6, Lounge 81 Victoria Street Singapore 188065
No. of public CPD points – 2
Practice Area – Corporate/Commercial
Training Level – General
Summary of Course
Registration Link
Business Valuations III | Advanced
For legal professionals who have attended Business Valuations I and II, course III covers more complex business valuations topics including options, early stage companies, capital structures and the impact that circumstances can have on the type of business valuation required.
Start Date – 16/3/2016
End Date – 16/3/2016
Time – 1230 – 1400
No. of hours – 1 hr 30 min
Organiser – Matson Driscoll & Damico
Venue – 10 Collyer Quay #05-10 Ocean Financial Centre Singapore 049315
No. of public CPD points – 1
Practice Area – Corporate/Commercial
Training Level – General
Summary of Course
Registration Link – Tracy Chung | [email protected] | +65 6327 3785
Business, law and the “internet of things”
Big Data, connected devices and machine-to-machine (M2M) communications making up the “internet of things” (IoT) create huge potential efficiencies and new opportunities for business in every sector. It promises a “fourth industrial revolution” and is already making great strides in sectors such as oil and gas, manufacturer, healthcare and many more.
Given its rapidly accelerating global significance, there will be few General Counsel, private practice lawyers, regulators, corporate board members or decision-makers who have not already been asked questions about the risks and opportunities of IoT.
- So how does IoT work? What are the opportunities?
- What are the cyber security and data protection issues that need to be taken into consideration?
- Where are the legal and regulatory risks?
- Who regulates the IoT?
- How will IoT affect investment decisions and the structure of deals, joint ventures and corporate acquisitions?
Answering any of those questions requires both a broad overview of extremely diverse factors, and detailed consideration of the existing legal and regulatory provisions around the world.
Asia Legal Business (ALB) presents an intensive one-day workshop that equips you with the knowledge to ask the right questions, to analyse and to advise on the risks and opportunities that IoT will bring to your jurisdiction, and to your sector. It is carefully structured to allow you to gain a firm understanding of IoT and the legal and business issues that flow from it.
Target Audience
- Senior in-house counsels/general counsels
- Private practice lawyers
- Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
- IT coordinators / consultants
- Legal departments in government bodies/regulators
Benefits Of Attending
- Be ahead of the game by getting a detailed understanding of the legal ramifications of IoT such as cyber security, data protection and contractual obligations through revealing case studies.
- Get insider information by listening to extracts from interviews and round-table discussions with actual IoT developers, regulators and highly experienced lawyers.
- Make a crucial and positive contribution to the future of your business by knowing how to address the legal requirements that come with adopting IoT solutions (particularly those related to contractual relationships).
Start Date – 16/3/2016
End Date – 16/3/2016
Time – 0830-1700
No. of hours – 8 hrs 30 mins
Organiser – Asian Legal Business
Venue – TBC
No. of public CPD points – 6
Practice Area – NA
Training Level – NA
Summary of Course
Registration Link
Global Pound Conference Singapore 2016
The Global Pound Conference is your opportunity to be part of history. Structured around four interactive sessions where Core Questions will be voted and discussed, and aimed at better understanding the demand for and supply of Dispute Resolution services, the Singapore conference aims to explore how litigation, arbitration, mediation and other dispute resolution process es can help consumers achieve greater access to justice. It promise to be a unique event unlike any other both in terms of the diversity of stakeholders who will be participating and due to the way new voting and participative technologies will be used to gather data and different views. Come listen to and interact with eminent international and local speakers, who will share their perspectives on the future of Dispute Resolution. Join in the conversation and help shape the future of dispute resolution and access to justice by attending this unique event !
Through a series of interactive voting and discussion sessions using new technologies and their smart phones, all participants will be able to express their views on a range of vital issues affecting how disputes are resolved – with results projected instantly and comparing priorities by stakeholder category. Each session will generate valuable and actionable data on what dispute resolution users actually need, and how others stakeholders can help meet those needs. The goal of the Series is to stimulate real impact and effective change. Be part of a unique opportunity to make a real impact and shape the future of dispute resolution and access to justice around the world.”
Start Date – 17/3/2016
End Date – 18/3/2016
Time – 17th March: 0900-1830, 18th March: 0900-1600 hrs
No. of hours – 2-day course, 16 hrs 30 mins
Organiser – Law Society of Singapore
Venue – 1 Supreme Court Lane Singapore 178879
No. of public CPD points – 11
Practice Area – Alternative Dispute Resolution
Training Level – General
Summary of Course
Registration Link
CLAS Criminal Law Training Programme Module 10: Theory of the Case
Overarching Goal
The criminal defender will learn to develop a theory of the case that accounts for all of the admissible evidence and relevant law through a persuasive narrative that compels findings favourable to the client.
Learning Outcomes
The criminal defender will:
- Understand the range of possible defence theories in every case
- Know the key components of a good case theory and the need to distill the theory into a succinct theme
- Understand the importance of thorough fact investigation in developing a theory of the case
- Understand the importance of the case theory in every phase of the case
- Understand the need to begin developing a case theory at the initial interview and the need to adjust/refine the case theory as the defender gathers new information through investigation and discovery
- Understand the law guaranteeing the right to present a defence
- Understand the law requiring notice to be given before presentation of certain defences
Start Date – 17/3/2016
End Date – 17/3/2016
Time – 1630-1800
No. of hours – 1 hr 30 min
Organiser – Law Society of Singapore
Venue – State Courts Bar Room
No. of public CPD points – 1
Practice Area – NA
Training Level – NA
Summary of Course
Registration Link
Seminar on “Reformulation of the Principles Underlying Contractual Penalty Clauses: Cavendish Square Holding BV v Talal El Makdessi [2015] UKSC 67”
Last November, the UK Supreme Court handed down the most important and comprehensive decision in the area of agreed damages clauses in over a century: Cavendish Square Hodling BV v Talal El Makdessi. The significance of the decision lies not only in the detailed review (and critique) of the seminal cases in the area, but also in the possible expansion of the standard test deployed to establish whether a sum payable on breach constitutes an unenforceable penalty or a liquidated damages clause. The traditional dichotomy of sums designed to deter and sums constituting a “genuine pre-estimate of loss” seems to have been supplemented by a third category: sums protecting an interest in the performance of the contract. At the same time, re-emphasizing the distinction between primary and secondary obligations, the Supreme Court distanced itself from the controversial Australian decision Andrews v Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd, which extended the penalty jurisdiction to sums payable otherwise than on breach. This seminar offers a detailed analysis of the Supreme Court’s reasoning with special regard to its practical implications for commercial drafting practice.
Start Date – 21/3/2016
End Date – 21/3/2016
Time – 0900-1220
No. of hours – 3 hr 20 min
Organiser – Singapore Management Unviersity
Venue -SMU School of Accountancy/Law Building Level 1, Seminar Room 1-1 60 Stamford Road Singapore 178900
No. of public CPD points – 3
Practice Area – Corporate/Commercial
Training Level – General
Summary of Course
Registration Link
Accelerated Route to Fellowship
The 2-day programme provides a fast-track route to Fellowship. The Accelerated Route is designed for busy, legally qualified professionals with substantial knowledge and experience of international arbitration. The programme focuses on the process, practice and procedures and aims to assess whether the candidate has the knowledge required to apply the principles and procedure of international arbitration using arbitration legislation based on the UNCITRAL Model Law and Arbitration Rules.
Start Date – 21/3/2016
End Date – 22/3/2016
Time – 21st March: 0845 – 1800, 22nd March: 0845 – 1700
No. of hours – 17 hours
Organiser – The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Singapore) Limited
Venue – TBC
No. of public CPD points – 12
Practice Area – Alternative Dispute Resolution
Training Level – Advanced
Summary of Course
Registration Link
Business Simulation Workshop for Legal Practitioners
Everyone in a business environment makes business decisions and they should all know how a business works. This legal services business simulation game workshop will teach the following:
- Business literacy so that participants can learn to talk the talk of their clients
- Business visualisation so that they can recognise the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that may exist in their clients’ businesses
- Business acumen so that they can develop insights based on careful business analysis and adapt their sales and marketing methodology to better meet their client’s business needs.
Start Date – 28/3/2016 (2nd run) OR 29/3/2016 (3rd run)
End Date – 28/3/2016 (2nd run) OR 29/3/2016 (3rd run)
Time – 28/3/2016 (2nd run) 1430 – 1730 OR 29/3/2016 (3rd run) 0930 – 1230
No. of hours – 3 hrs
Organiser – Law Society of Singapore
Venue – 55 Market Street, #03-01, Spore 048941 (Conference Room 1)
No. of public CPD points – 2.5
Practice Area – Professional Skills
Training Level – General
Summary of Course
Registration Link
Lessons from Inter-state Arbitration: The Singapore/Malaysia Railway Case
In Sept 2010, it was announced that M’sia and S’pore had different views to the development changes on the Points of Agreement (POA) land in Tanjong Pagar, Kranji and Woodlands. • The procedural aspects with a comparative analysis between State-to-State disputes brought to adjudication before permanent courts and tribunals. • The challenges when an ad hoc arbitration tribunal must interpret a treaty and manage evidence in an inter-State dispute at the interstices of sovereignty and commerce.
Start Date – 29/3/2016
End Date – 29/3/2016
Time – 1800-1930
No. of hours – 1 hr 30 min
Organiser – The Law Society of Singapore
Venue – 55 Market Street, Level 3 (Conference Room 2), Singapore 048941
No. of public CPD points – 1.5
Practice Area – Alternative Dispute Resolution
Training Level – General
Summary of Course
Registration Link
Legal Environment for Doing Business in China
This course will first explore the impact of the recent and current economic and political impact on the legal framework for doing business in China and the PRC legal and judiciary system.
Second, we will discuss the contractual aspects and enforcement in China.
Third, we will focus on the legal structures available for foreign investors entering the Chinese market for manufacturing or distribution purposes. We will emphasize on practical aspects and pitfalls to optimize the protection of overseas investors’ interests in China. Tips on managing foreign direct entities (shareholders’ control, investment strategy, financing, shareholders’ and managers’ liability, IP, compliance, tax and HR issues) will be addressed.
Based on concrete examples, this course will be of interest to students looking to better understand the legal framework of setting up legal entities in China. The objective will be to give the audience a practical view of which entity can be set up in China and within which limits/framework and constraints.
Fourth, we will also cover the general framework of the labor PRC law and social protection of workers in China.
A specific focus on the rights and duties of employees/employers will be made.
Finally, the lecture will end by giving an overview of Intellectual Property Rights in China.
Start Date – 29/3/2016
End Date – 31/3/2016
Time – 0900-1230 pm (3-day course)
No. of hours – 10 hrs
Organiser – Sorbonne-Assas International Law School
Venue – 1 Ayer Rajah Avenue Singapore 138676
No. of public CPD points – 9
Practice Area – Corporate/Commercial
Training Level – General
Summary of Course
Registration Link
Strategic Conflict Management for Professionals Module 1
This is an intensive 2-day workshop that offers you an opportunity to increase your understanding of conflicts, learn the latest and most effective techniques to manage and resolve conflicts, and improve your communication and interpersonal skills. Participants can expect a highly interactive programme and active engagement in role plays and exercises.
What You Can Expect to Learn
- Fundamental concepts in interest-based conflict management
- A model of mediation: a dynamic process
- Mediator’s strategies and approaches
- Powerful tools for effective communication
- Techniques to overcoming impasse
Who Should Attend
- C-suite executives, professionals, managers and executives involved in the management of disputes between members of their organisation or between them and external parties
- Professionals and executives involved in group problem-solving
- Persons who want to learn an effective dispute resolution strategy applicable to diverse situations, incorporated as part of their professional skills
Start Date – 30/3/2016
End Date – 31/3/2016
Time – 0900-1700
No. of hours – 2-day course
Organiser – Singapore Mediation Centre
Venue – Mediation Chambers 1 & 2 Supreme Court
No. of public CPD points – 12
Practice Area – Professional Skills
Training Level – Foundation
Summary of Course
Registration Link
Islamic Banking and Finance Law Conference 2016
This learning conference, which is co-organised by Singapore Academy of Law and The Malaysian Current Law Journal, aims to create a stimulating platform that will deliver substantive content to participants in an engaging and interactive manner so as to provide effective and comprehensive industry insights to all delegates. It will showcase the dynamics and intricacies of regional Islamic Banking and Finance laws, policies and developments that are critical knowledge in this high-growth area. Focus will be on essential principles, current practices, regulatory requirements and their implications, dispute resolutions, as well as future opportunities and challenges in shaping a comprehensive and globally competitive Islamic finance ecosystem, and the mechanics that are required to sustain the dynamics of the environment in the region. Delivered by esteemed panellists, this conference will particularly benefit individuals from the legal, advisory, banking, fund management and related industry services. The diverse backgrounds and professional expertise of the panellists will aid the stakeholders to understand and appreciate industry demands, and bring to the fore ideas for the future direction of the industry.
Start Date – 31/3/2016
End Date – 31/3/2016
Time – 0900-1630
No. of hours – 7 hr 30 min
Organiser – Singapore Academy of Law
Venue – Supreme Court Auditorium, Basement 2, Supreme Court Building, 1 Supreme Court Lane
No. of public CPD points – 4
Practice Area – Banking and Finance
Training Level – General
Summary of Course
Registration Link
CLAS Criminal Law Training Programme Module 11: Investigation
Overarching Goal
The criminal defender will understand the critical role of investigation in representing an accused client and develop strategies for effective investigation in every case.
Learning Outcomes
The criminal defender will: Understand the importance of early and thorough investigation in every case before taking a plea Know tips for learning the prosecution’s case, preserving evidence and observing the scene of a crime Understand the ethical and statutory constraints associated with investigation Identify key steps in any investigation plan (people, places, things) Learn to write an investigative memo for each case, appreciating: The importance of an investigative plan How to use case theory to guide the investigation Understand the mechanics of interviewing witnesses and taking witness statements, learning: The ethical rules pertaining to interviewing witnesses including prosecution witnesses Strategies for interviewing witnesses (including goals, techniques and methods of taking statements from reluctant witnesses, public servants, police officers and young children) Understand the various methods of collecting documents and real evidence Discuss legal and other strategies for obtaining the assistance of an investigator in a criminal case Learn strategies for investigating with limited resources
Start Date – 31/3/2016
End Date – 31/3/2016
Time – 1530-1800
No. of hours – 1 hr 30 mins
Organiser – Law Society of Singapore
Venue – State Courts Bar Room
No. of public CPD points – 1
Practice Area – NA
Training Level – Intermediate
Summary of Course
Registration Link
Accelerated Route to Membership Course
To provide a fast-track route to Membership through the International Arbitration Pathway. The Accelerated Route to Membership has been designed for busy, legally qualified professionals who have some unassessed knowledge of international arbitration. The primary aim of the programme is to develop and assess the range of skills needed in order to perform competently as an arbitrator in an international context.
Start Date – 31/3/2016
End Date – 1/4/2016
Time – 31st March 0900-1800, 1st Apr 0930 – 1230
No. of hours – 9 hrs + 3 hr exam
Organiser – The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Singapore) Limited
Venue – TBC
No. of public CPD points – 6
Practice Area – Alternative Dispute Resolution
Training Level – Advanced
Summary of Course
Registration Link
All information was correct at the time of this posting. Should you notice any course registration becoming full, or if any information requires updating, please do leave a comment so we can update the list. We thank you and hope you have a good time on your course!