Areas that you specialize in and why you choose this practice area
My main areas of practice would be civil and commercial litigation. I also handle the usual family law matters like divorce, adoption and mental capacity act cases. Separately, we also have a corporate advisory practice largely for SMEs.
I have always enjoyed litigation as a whole. I enjoy the challenge of managing and developing a case with a client, the uncertainty of never knowing the outcome and the opportunity to go to court and advocating for them. Advocacy is never dull, you never know what challenges will get thrown at you and you always need to keep abreast of developments.
What made you want to be a lawyer, and what drives you today
Truthfully, I had always wanted to be a doctor. Unfortunately, I didn’t make the grade at A level! So when I was offered a place to read law I took the chance and I have never looked back.
In a way, it was fortuitous as I think this is what I was meant to do. What drives me today is running my own practice and the fact that I do enjoy what I do. We have a great team in the office and it’s a pleasure to come in everyday to work with them. Also knowing that my income as well as that of the staff isn’t going to just come in if we don’t get the work and do the work well is a very strong motivating factor.
Common misconceptions about your practice area
I guess there are a few. That is all about the trial, when actually there is a huge amount of work that goes in before that. That there is always a need to play hardball with the other side. Lastly, that lawyers are very expensive. Having said that, despite not always being a profession seen in the best light, I think generally people do know that all is not what you see on television or the movies and so personally our clients don’t generally hold these views.
If you were to start a business someday, what would it be and why?
I would own and operate a liveaboard dive boat, travelling around the region to all the dive sites. I have always had a love for the sea and so if I could spend more time on it I would be very happy to do so.

Your most prized possession
I don’t really have anything that I prize above all others. I do enjoy the things that I collect but I have never been a sentimental person when it comes to material possessions.
3 fun facts about you
#1. I have a secret addiction to Korean dramas.
#2. At home, I keep 3 adorable hamsters.
#3. In my free time, I am an avid computer gamer.
About Kelvin
Read more about Kelvin or about his firm Vicki Heng Law Corporation. You can also get a Quick Consult from a lawyer in Vicki Heng Law Corporation for practical legal guidance within 1-2 days, for a flat fee starting from S$49.
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