Ivan Cheong and Shriveena Naidu
2 Articles0 Comments

Transferring assets between spouses with clarity and intention: CLT v CLS and another matter [2021] SGHCF 29
Divorce and Child Custody,Legal Contracts,Marriage,Properties and Real Estate,TLDR Case Summaries

Reading Time: 6 minutesWhat could happen to your wealth and assets if your marriage goes south? What if your spouse is instrumental in preserving your wealth? What happens to shares gifted by your father that are now worth S$11.7 million? Would you try to delay the inevitable and dangle the transfer of interest in a property to get […]

10 things to know before entering into a Pre-Nuptial Agreement
Legal Everyday,Marriage,Uncategorized

Reading Time: 7 minutesA pre-nuptial agreement, or a “pre-nup” as they are commonly called, can be one of the most significant documents a couple signs together in anticipation of marriage. Time-stretched and stressed over wedding preparations, couples tend to routinely sign documents without batting an eyelash. These include purchasing a property together, paying hefty deposits to secure their […]