Handling Roommate Troubles: A Brief Legal Guide

Reading Time: 6 minutesIntroduction After a long day at work or school, we all want to retreat to a peaceful environment where we can truly relax. But a difficult roommate that you share an apartment with can get in the way of that. A roommate who leaves his dishes undone and rubbish uncleared is trouble enough, but what […]

Online Bullying

Reading Time: 6 minutesThis article was written by Nadia Moynihan from August Law with the assistance of Annette Liew, an L.L.B. undergraduate at Singapore Management University’s School of Law. Cyberbullying as a phenomenon has grown exponentially over the last two decades and Singapore apparently now has the second highest incidence of cyberbullying in the world. This should not be surprising, […]

SMU Lexicon: Lost Chance – Acceptance at last? A commentary on Armstrong, Carol Ann v Quest Laboratories Pte Ltd [2018] SGHC 66

Reading Time: 12 minutesI.                   Introduction In the tort of negligence, damages are awarded if the claimant can establish that he has suffered loss.[1] While most claims for loss in the tort of negligence usually revolve around physical damage,[2] courts have recognised losses of a non-physical nature, including claims for pure economic loss or loss of genetic affinity.[3] Courts, […]
