Cyberbullying and online defamation in Singapore – advice from 3 Lawyers

Reading Time: 7 minutesAs we become more interconnected through the internet and social media, we become much more vulnerable to becoming victims of cyberbullying and online defamation. Being deemed liable for a seemingly harmless comment that you have made online is also more likely than you think. Lawyers Pratap Kishan (Director, Ho Wong Law Practice LLC), Ushan Premaratne […]

Termination of Employment Contracts – What you need to know

Reading Time: 22 minutesWhen can an employer summarily dismiss an employee for misconduct? Can an employee sue under common law for an employer’s wrongful dismissal? Can an employee sue for a wrongful manner of dismissal? How does wrongful dismissal relate to the implied term of trust and confidence or an implied duty of good faith (if any)? This article […]

Know your rights as a professional

Reading Time: 10 minutesTroubles in the workplace often arise when employees clash with their employers. These conflicts between employees and employers tend to be rooted in legal issues, such as a breach of the employment contract or the employee feeling that he has been wrongfully terminated by his employer. Lawyers Tan Cheow Hung (Director, Beacon Law Corporation) and […]

Defamation: A Guide to Bringing Claims and Avoiding Liability

Reading Time: 12 minutesIn today’s hyper-connected, social-media crazy world, anything we say can be easily propagated throughout the Internet. That means we are more vulnerable to defamation, while at the same time, more exposed to liability for defamation. How do we manage this? This article is written by Ronald JJ Wong from Covenant Chambers LLC  and originally published on […]

Planning to start a business or startup? Your Legal Questions Answered

Reading Time: 13 minutesSo you have a unique and innovative business idea that you’d like to fully invest your time and energy in. But before realizing your entrepreneurship dreams, there’s still the legal aspects to take care of such as incorporating and preparing the legal documentation for your business. To help aspiring entrepreneurs, Samuel Ng (Director, BlackOak LLC) […]

Incorporating a Company under the Malaysian Companies Act 2016

Reading Time: 5 minutesThe Companies Act 2016 and Companies Regulations 2017 (“new Act”) have mostly come into force as of 31 January 2017. The new Act aims to reduce the cost of doing business in Malaysia while increasing protection for stakeholders of a company. As part of this objective, the incorporation process for Malaysian companies has been simplified […]

Top 5 misconceptions start-ups have about patents in Singapore

Reading Time: 5 minutesContinuing from the previous IP article, patent attorney Chan Wai Yeng from Taylor Vinters Via LLC  talks about the top five misconceptions about patenting which startups should be aware of.  Intellectual property protection is an important consideration for most start-ups. The exclusive monopoly that comes with patents can help start-ups carve a niche in a crowded marketplace. […]

Pursuing Legal Action on Behalf of a Company

Reading Time: 11 minutesWhat can a shareholder or company member do if the company has a claim against a third party but the directors of the company fail, neglect or refuse to commence action to pursue that claim? What if the claim is against the company’s directors for breach of directors’ or fiduciary duties? Or what if the […]

INDONESIA: Payment Transaction Processing Framework-Introduction from Our Perspective (Part 1)

Reading Time: 10 minutesOn 14 November 2016 Bank Indonesia (“BI”), the Central Bank governing body in Indonesia, issued the Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 18/40/2016 concerning Framework of Payment Transaction Processing (Peraturan Bank Indonesia Nomor 18/40/2016 Tahun 2016 tentang Penyelenggaraan Pemrosesan Transaksi Pembayaran / “BI Regulation 18/2016”). We applaud the efforts made by BI to respond efficiently, swiftly and […]

Patent 101: Things you need to know before patenting

Reading Time: 9 minutesEureka! You have just created a great new product, UX, or developed an improved manufacturing process with significant reduction in production time. You know your invention has tremendous commercial value, and you are keen to share your idea with a potential business partner. But hold on for a minute. Before you disclose your invention to […]

9 Key Steps to Setting Up Business in Malaysia

Reading Time: 7 minutesWhether you are a local or a foreigner who has decided to set up a new business in or expand an existing business into Malaysia, here is a checklist of 9 key action steps that one can take to plan and execute the process smoothly. These steps are not strictly sequential but a list of […]
