Low Lih Jeng, Senior Consultant at Sage Mediation, embodies the value of service.
Know Your Lawyer (KYL),Lawyer Features

Reading Time: 6 minutes“I promise to do my best,” Judge Low says. These words are not spoken thoughtlessly. In fact, they stem from the Girl Guide Promise, the values of which have long been impressed upon Judge Low’s personal beliefs and value system. They speak of a lifetime of service – from mediating disputes in the State Courts, […]

Anil Lalwani, Director of DL Law Corporation, is a master of his emotions. 
Know Your Lawyer (KYL),Lawyer Features,Uncategorized

Reading Time: 4 minutesAnil starts his day with gratitude, giving thanks for everything that he has. “No matter what happens, be it good or bad, it’s important to thank the universe for all I have. What matters is the present, and for us to stop dwelling on the past or the future.” In a work environment of high […]