Transferring assets between spouses with clarity and intention: CLT v CLS and another matter [2021] SGHCF 29
Divorce and Child Custody,Legal Contracts,Marriage,Properties and Real Estate,TLDR Case Summaries

Reading Time: 6 minutesWhat could happen to your wealth and assets if your marriage goes south? What if your spouse is instrumental in preserving your wealth? What happens to shares gifted by your father that are now worth S$11.7 million? Would you try to delay the inevitable and dangle the transfer of interest in a property to get […]

Divorce and Child Custody,Hong Kong,Personal,Regional Law

Reading Time: 1 minutes香港的楼价持续高昂,有能力自置物业组织爱巢的年轻情侣或新婚夫妇并不多,因此近年出现一种现象,就是子女婚后与伴侣跟其中一方的父母同住,或者由父母「资助」子女置业的首期。

在离婚案件中,如何判断婚前资产的真正实益拥有人,往往是个棘手的问题。在YKYM v YMCT [2013] HKEC 487一案中,家事法庭就需要裁断双方在伦敦的婚姻居所究竟是母亲送给儿子和媳妇共同享有结婚礼物,还是只是交由他们以信托形式代她持有。