What is doxxing? Are you guilty?

Reading Time: 9 minutesPublishing someone’s personal information online could now result in jail time. Upset about a taxi ride or saw a situation that you feel warrant a social media post? You would need to think twice now before posting any rants online. Such revelation of crucial personal information online is known as ‘doxxing’. Doxxing has been defined […]

Criminal and Litigation,Hong Kong,Personal,Regional Law

Reading Time: 1 minutes在某些罕见情况下,被告人虽然有代表律师,但在作出认罪答辩前未获其律师提供适当意见(或被告人并无代表律师),则被告人可能需要以认罪答辩含糊为由,申请推翻其答辩。在最近HKSAR v Chan Chi Ho Lincoln [2018] HKCFA 64一案中,终审法院澄清了规管法院就被告人申请推翻认罪答辩而行使酌情权的原则。

When is a civilian allowed to arrest a criminal in Singapore?
Criminal and Litigation,Personal

Reading Time: 6 minutesTo what extent can civilians be involved in prosecuting a perpetrator? In what ways can civilians as individuals bring justice and be involved within the criminal process? Such questions are posed by ordinary people like us, who doubt whether we have a moral responsibility to bring criminals in light of the law. We as civilians […]