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Hong Kong Regional Update: A second chance – principles governing the reversal of a guilty plea
Hong Kong,Regional Law

Reading Time: 4 minutesIntroduction In some rare scenarios where a defendant is legally represented but is not properly advised by his legal representatives before making a guilty plea (or a defendant is unrepresented), the defendant may find himself in need of making an application to reverse his plea on the ground that when the guilty plea was made, […]

Cambodia Tax Alert: Tax Incentives for Listing Entities
Business,Cambodia,Regional Law,Taxation

Reading Time: 2 minutesSub-Decree 01 ANKr.BK dated 4 January 2019 (“Sub-Decree”) has introduced a new package of tax incentives for those entities in Cambodia looking to list on the Cambodian Stock Exchange (CSX). The 2019 tax incentives provided to listing entities on the CSX are much more comprehensive and concessional then those that were initially offered in 2011, […]

Commentary: Trade Marks in Singapore [Samsonite IP Holdings Sarl v An Sheng Trading Pte Ltd [2017] SGHC 18 ]
Business,Business Advice,Intellectual Property,Legal Updates

Reading Time: 5 minutesMost trade mark owners get frustrated when, legally, it is not possible to stop a parallel importer from importing and selling genuine goods in Singapore. Parallel importers are protected by the defence of exhaustion of rights under section 29(1) of the Trade Marks Act (“TMA”). Earlier this year, a case dealing with this very issue […]

Myanmar Legal Alert: RFP and EOIs for Foreign Insurance issued by FRD
Business,Myanmar,Regional Law

Reading Time: 3 minutesIn early January the Ministry of Planning and Finance (“MOPF”) issued Announcement 1/2019 through which foreign companies were permitted “to operate the business of insurance, underwriting agency or insurance broking with foreign investment” in Myanmar. Further to this announcement, the Financial Regulatory Department (“FRD”) has now published an Request for Proposal (“RFP”) for 100% foreign […]

Post Keppel O&M: Don’t Be Next!
Business,Intellectual Property,Legal Updates

Reading Time: 12 minutesSingapore has long been known for low levels of corruption. In 2017, Singapore was ranked the 6th least corrupted country in the world based on the Corruption Perceptions Index 2017[1], a research done by Transparency International. However, this does not mean that Singapore is free from corrupt practices, with the recent Keppel Offshore and Marine […]

Myanmar Legal Alert : Amendment of Central Bank of Myanmar Lending Rates
Business,Funding,Myanmar,Regional Law

Reading Time: 2 minutesIn the most recent update on the Myanmar banking sector, the Central Bank of Myanmar (“CBM”) announced amended and increased lending rates through the issuing of Directive 1/2019 (“Directive”) on 15 January 2019. The changes in this Directive will take effect from 1 February 2019. Under this Directive, 13% will be the highest lending rate […]

Single Fathers in Singapore – Overcoming Legal Obstacles
Divorce and Child Custody,Personal

Reading Time: 8 minutesTypically, it is hard for fathers in Singapore to gain care and control over their children. This is not something new. However, it is something that is continuously fought over and spoken about. Firstly, according to the Ministry of Social and Family Development (“MSF”), there has been an increase in the rate of divorces in […]

Thailand Legal Alert: Essential Differences Under Thailand’s New Competition Law
Business,Competition Law,Legal Updates,Regional Law,Thailand

Reading Time: 6 minutesThailand was one of the first ASEAN Member States to enact a competition law with the Price Fixing and Anti-Monopoly Act of 1979. However, that legislation was generally accepted to have been ineffective in relation to competition law enforcement and was replaced by the Trade Competition Act B.E. 2542 (1999) (“Old TCA”). The Old TCA came into […]

Singapore Trade Marks – Not a Family! Bridgestone (And Firestone) Failed to Prevent Deestone from Registration – Bridgestone Corporation and Bridgestone Licensing Services, INC. v Deestone Limited [2018] SGIPOS 5
Business,Intellectual Property,Trade Marks

Reading Time: 4 minutesIn a decision rendered by the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS), Who are the parties involved in this case? Bridgestone Corporation and Bridgestone Licensing Services, Inc. (“Opponents”) Deestone Limited (“Applicant”)  What actually happened? The Opponents are the owners of the “Bridgestone” and “Firestone” trade marks. The Applicant applied to register the “Deestone” trade mark, […]

What does equity crowdfunding look like in Australia?
Australia,Business,Business Advice,Regional Law

Reading Time: 3 minutesFollowing the Federal Government’s announcement in September 2018 regarding changes to the equity crowdfunding legislation there has been a lot of hype within the startup community about the positive impact this will have. Equity crowdfunding is still a largely misunderstood concept. Whilst it can be a great way to put your business in the spotlight […]

Myanmar Legal Alert: Foreign Insurance Providers Now Allowed to Operate in Myanmar
Business,Business Advice,Myanmar,Regional Law

Reading Time: 3 minutesA recent development in the insurance sector has allowed foreign insurance providers to finally operate in the Myanmar insurance sector. Through Announcement No. 1/2019, the Ministry of Planning and Finance (“MOPF”) now permits foreign companies “to operate the business of insurance, underwriting agency or insurance broking with foreign investment” in Myanmar. This announcement follows Notification […]


SMU Lexicon: A Non-parent’s Maintenance Obligation

Reading Time: 7 minutesIntroduction Imagine you marry someone with a child from a prior relationship. Initially, you do not mind caring for this child. Then, your marriage sours and you no longer want anything to do with your spouse or the child. However, can your initial conduct of caring for the child unknowingly saddle you with a legal […]


Singapore’s latest push as a restructuring and insolvency hub – Amendments to SICC rules

Reading Time: 3 minutesSingapore has earned a budding reputation as a hub for debt restructuring and insolvency in Asia, with its transparent legal system and judicial expertise. This growth can also be attributed to enduring efforts to innovate and reform. To enhance Singapore as a forum of choice in international restructuring and insolvency proceedings, the Rules of Court […]

Gabriel The

Gabriel The (pronounced TAY) is passionate about building a mission-driven company with a clear and focused goal to make significant impact in people’s lives. He runs marketing at AsiaLawNetwork and also leads content strategy.

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