3 concrete barriers in Joo Chiat, Singapore, painted to look like minions
Art or Vandalism? Where Art meets the Law in Singapore

Reading Time: 9 minutesArt collides with the law Two of the most talked about artworks in Singapore had appeared overnight to surprise both members of the public and public authorities. In a bold move, the artists of both artworks had bypassed the process of obtaining official permission to display their work in public. Their public artworks have since […]

Lawyers’ Profiles Visualized In A WordCloud

Reading Time: 2 minutesA Word Cloud of Lawyers in our Network Since we at AsiaLawNetwork.com have a data-driven culture like most startups, we decided to create a Word Cloud from the text from all the lawyers on our platform to look for any interesting trends. How do lawyers describe themselves? What are the most frequently used words? The […]

Your life in the bits and bytes of photos — Google and Apple Photos compared

Reading Time: 5 minutesYour life in the bits and bytes of photos Digital photographs are a key part of our everyday lives now. With the proliferation of digital cameras, and more importantly the proliferation of smartphones with digital cameras on them, storing and sharing these pieces of our lives has become essential to us as social creatures. It […]

Driving with Uber or Grab? Learn how you can protect yourself while on the road!

Reading Time: 4 minutesPrivate limousine services like Uber and Grab are the new way to get around. Affordable and accessible at almost any time of the day, they allow us to travel in comfort without breaking the bank. Unlike other countries around the region, Singapore has welcomed these private limousine services, however disruptive they may be. Latest estimates […]

Top legal movies to watch this weekend — A data-driven review

Reading Time: 5 minutesWhy law / legal movies and shows can be so engaging The Law might seem a dry topic to some people but is a very fertile ground to make some of the most engaging movies and TV shows. Law is an absolute ingredient of any civilization. It’s painfully easy to overlook the importance of law […]

The Whatsapp Exodus-which app should you switch to? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Reading Time: 1 minutesThis article is written by Seah Ern Xu from Asia Law Network. This article does not constitute legal advice or a legal opinion on any matter discussed and, accordingly, it should not be relied upon. It should not be regarded as a comprehensive statement of the law and practice in this area. If you require […]

How well do you know Singapore Laws?

Reading Time: 5 minutesAs part of Law Awareness Week, ALN conducted a survey last week on 5 quirky and interesting Singapore Laws.   After asking hundreds of Singaporeans for their opinions, it appears that Singaporeans might not be as legally aware as they think they are on some issues. The Questions that we asked Singaporeans Respondents to our […]

The Whatsapp Exodus-which app should you switch to?

Reading Time: 5 minutesGlobally, text messaging has been in decline for the past few years. Research by COMREG reveals that the global usage of SMS has dropped by 44% from 3 billion to 1.7 billion. More and more consumers are switching to messaging platforms rather than traditional SMS messaging. According to data from Statista, the most popular messaging in […]

What the Ashley Madison saga means for companies in Singapore

Reading Time: 5 minutesMore than cheating husbands and ghost wives, the Ashley Madison debacle will be closely watched for how the legal system tangles with multiangular rage on whether Ashley Madison had taken sufficient measures to protect John Doe’s data, whether he can have legal recourse for his grievances only in Cyprus, and why people can still find […]

Pokemon No Go: 4 ways you could be unknowingly breaking the law

Reading Time: 3 minutesIt is official. Singaporeans have Pokemon Go fever. Public spaces are more crowded than ever and players are congregating towards Pokestops and Gyms. With this increase in public interaction, here are some laws that you might know you could be breaking. 1. In your search to catch ‘em all, you could end up committing trespass […]

Can Pet Owners take legal action against a deceitful Cremation Company?

Reading Time: 5 minutesExpress Pet Cremation is currently under investigation by the police for giving fake “pet remains” made up of sand and cement to pet owners. While the boss of the company has denied any wrongdoing, the investigation has definitely planted the seed of doubt amongst previous and current customers. Owners should first establish evidence of wrongdoing […]

Celebrating Lee Kuan Yew the lawyer

Reading Time: 4 minutes2016 marks the 51st year of Singapore’s independence. It is also the first year since the passing of one of Singapore’s founding fathers, Lee Kuan Yew. Lee Kuan Yew will always be remembered for being the first prime minister of Singapore and the leader of the People’s Action Party. But what is not as well […]