Reading Time: 3 minutesVicki from Vicki Heng Law Corporation talks about starting her own law firm and balancing work with life at home. This article was originally published in Biz Events Asia. Vicki is a new lawyer joining AsiaLawNetwork — welcome! Legal Mind: Striking a Balance The eldest of three children in a middle-class family, I was brought […]
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Receiving payments from a company when winding-up proceedings have been commenced against it
Reading Time: 4 minutesCentaurea International Pte Ltd (in liquidation) v Citus Trading Pte Ltd [2016] SGHC 264 We examine the first local reported decision on the issue of validating payments under Section 259 of the Companies Act. Essentially, while any payment made by a company after the commencement of its winding is prima facie void, Section 259 provides […]
Borrowing from a moneylender – what you need to know
Reading Time: 7 minutesIn 2014, businessman Goh Meng Leong borrowed $350,000 from a licensed moneylender at an annual interest rate of 240 per cent. Over two years, Mr Goh paid back a total of $700,000 in instalments to ABK Leasing. However, even though Mr Goh had paid back twice the amount he had borrowed, he still owed the […]
A Guide to Letters of Demand
Reading Time: 6 minutesSeeking compensation from that rascal that rear-ended your beloved Mercedes? Trying to recover unpaid bills from a recalcitrant client that simply refuses to pay up? It is always recommended to attempt to resolve these issues amicably if it’s possible. If you want to preserve a meaningful business or personal relationship, you can try to negotiate on a settlement […]
Said something you shouldn’t have? A Guide to Defamation in Singapore
Reading Time: 5 minutesAs Victor Hugo wrote in Les Miserables: “Whether true or false, what is said about men often has as much influence on their lives, and particularly on their destinies, as what they do.” Reputation has always been important. When thinking about the damage done to reputation especially by defamation, high profile cases involving Singapore’s political […]
Driving with Uber or Grab? Learn how you can protect yourself while on the road!
Reading Time: 4 minutesPrivate limousine services like Uber and Grab are the new way to get around. Affordable and accessible at almost any time of the day, they allow us to travel in comfort without breaking the bank. Unlike other countries around the region, Singapore has welcomed these private limousine services, however disruptive they may be. Latest estimates […]
Implied Covenants in Leases
Reading Time: 6 minutesImplied Covenants in Leases This article comes courtesy of Shook Lin & Bok LLP. One of the leading and full-service commercial law firms in Singapore with a strong Asian presence and global reach. They have close to a century of rich legal heritage with a number of partners who are eminent lawyers in their respective […]
Give $1 to someone you want to exclude from your will
Reading Time: 3 minutesWho’s in a will? Who’s NOT in the will? I vividly recall the movie Greedy where rich and elderly Uncle Joe (played by Kirk Douglas) was often plagued by his greedy and avaricious family who curried his favor just so he would leave them part of his vast fortune in his will. Danny (Michael J […]
Lasting Power of Attorney Explained
Reading Time: 7 minutesThe recent legal saga surrounding Yang Yin, a former Chinese tour guide, and his alleged misappropriation of 1.1 million SGD worth of an 89-year-old elderly widow’s assets has drew considerable attention to the concept of a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA). According to the Straits Times, 8360 applications for a LPA were accepted in 2015, […]
Curveball Series: Should I Sue? (6 general considerations)
Reading Time: 3 minutesMany people are sometimes in situations so frustrating that we feel compelled to sue someone else for putting them through a maelstrom of anger, fear, frustration and shock. This could range from slander to unfair and unethical business practices. However, once you get down to it, you really need to ask yourself 6 questions to […]
Conveyancing Gone Wrong – How Scammers Operate (Top 3 Signs to Look Out For)
Reading Time: 7 minutesLimited recourse if you’ve been duped by scammers You saw an advertisement or attended a talk, you thought you have verified the documents, you paid good money and now your calls and emails are going unanswered. What can you do to get your money back? The unfortunate thing is – very little. Few scammers stick […]
What is Conveyancing
Reading Time: 2 minutesWhat is conveyancing? Simply said, conveyancing relates to the legal process of transferring the right of ownership of a property from one to another. However, this process can be greatly varied due to the different types of properties available and the laws governing and or influencing the process can also vary in each instance. Different […]