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5 Common Misconceptions about Copyright in Singapore
Business,Intellectual Property

Reading Time: 5 minutesMisconception 1 – Ideas can be protected by copyright law A fundamental principle of copyright law is that ideas cannot be protected, but original expressions of an idea may be. For example, the idea of extraterrestrials visiting Earth has long fascinated many of us. This one idea has given birth to creative content featuring aliens […]

Minority Oppression in Singapore

Reading Time: 6 minutesMinority oppression can happen when majority shareholders decide to act in an unfair or prejudicial way Minority shareholders of a company (i.e. those holding less than 50% of the voting share capital of a company) will invariably find themselves being outvoted at shareholder meetings by the majority shareholders. However, this notion of majority rule sometimes […]

How to choose a mediator?
Business,Business Advice,Criminal and Litigation,Mediation

Reading Time: 6 minutesMediation – an alternative to Court litigation that is gaining traction When a serious dispute arises, the common response is to instruct lawyers immediately and to take the battle straightaway into the Courtroom. This may be the preference of many who have no faith that the dispute can be resolved. In recent times however, disputants […]

Private Gambling in Singapore: Is It Legal?
Criminal and Litigation,Gambling,Personal

Reading Time: 6 minutesThis article was written in 2017. Gambling law in Singapore may have changed. For more information, read “S’pore to introduce new gambling laws that cover arcade games & claw machines“. The Story In 60 Seconds There are a total of five laws that cover all aspects of gambling: The Common Gaming Houses Act – This […]

What’s the difference between advocates, solicitors, barristers, counsels, notaries, lawyers and attorney in Singapore?
Legal Everyday

Reading Time: 4 minutesWhy so many legal terms for lawyers? All of us have come to recognise different words referring to lawyers such as barrister, solicitor, notary, advocate, counsel and attorney. Are they the same? What really is the difference? How do you know which type of lawyer you need? Each of them defined Let’s kick off with […]

Maternity Leave & Paternity Leave in Singapore [with Infographic]

Reading Time: 5 minutesIn recent years, Singapore has established a more robust system of maternity and paternity leave to support young parents in the workforce. This came in the form of longer paternity leave and the introduction of shared parental leave for working fathers, as the Government explores new ways to encourage young couples to have babies. Singapore […]

Matrimonial lawyer’s view on the TSH v TSE case for contest of child custody in England and Singapore
Divorce and Child Custody,Personal

Reading Time: 11 minutesLawyer Yue-En Chong from Dorothy Chai and Mary Ong Law Practice shares his personal views on the case of TSH v TSE. *Nothing in this article should be considered or be constituted as legal advice. TSH v TSE M is a 5-year old boy born in London who was brought to Singapore to be cared […]

MAS Consultation Paper on Changes to the Notification Requirement in relation to Representatives Serving Only Non-Retail Customers
Business,Legal Updates

Reading Time: 4 minutesOn 25 September 2017, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”) issued a consultation paper proposing certain changes to streamline the Representative Notification Framework (“RNF”) for financial institutions (“FIs”) whose representatives serve only non-retail customers. For the purposes of this present consultation, a non-retail customer would be a customer who falls within the statutory definitions of […]

What are Distribution Agreements in Singapore?
Business,Legal Contracts

Reading Time: 6 minutesThe nature of distribution Distribution is an arrangement through which the distributor buys goods from a manufacturer or wholesaler and resells them on its own behalf. This is a common relationship in business and warrants some examination if you are either a distributor, manufacturer or wholesaler. Distribution differs from a mere re-sale In a mere […]

7 Must-knows for Every Freelancer

Reading Time: 8 minutesIncreasing numbers of freelancers or self-employed people in Singapore A recent survey conducted by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) this year reported that the increase in the number of freelance workers could be attributed to the emergence of the sharing-economy platforms or gig economy platforms. Grab, Uber, Deliveroo are examples of such modern economy platforms. […]

Women’s Charter: A Practical Guide Part 1
Divorce and Child Custody,Personal

Reading Time: 5 minutesThe Story In 60 Seconds This article is the first of a series to examine the Women’s Charter. The Women’s Charter was passed in 1961 to advocate girls’ and women’s rights in Singapore and promote equality in marriage. It codified monogamy as law, established rights and duties between husband and wife in a marriage, and set out penal provisions against […]

5 Tips when Considering Dispute Resolution Clauses

Reading Time: 4 minutesLike newlyweds, disputes are typically far from the minds of commercial parties at the time of brokering a deal. Excitement about the commercial possibilities typically overshadow any concerns that disputes might arise in the future. Inexperienced commercial parties often leave dispute resolution clauses to the last minute when negotiating a contract and accept without thought […]


SMU Lexicon: A Non-parent’s Maintenance Obligation

Reading Time: 7 minutesIntroduction Imagine you marry someone with a child from a prior relationship. Initially, you do not mind caring for this child. Then, your marriage sours and you no longer want anything to do with your spouse or the child. However, can your initial conduct of caring for the child unknowingly saddle you with a legal […]


Singapore’s latest push as a restructuring and insolvency hub – Amendments to SICC rules

Reading Time: 3 minutesSingapore has earned a budding reputation as a hub for debt restructuring and insolvency in Asia, with its transparent legal system and judicial expertise. This growth can also be attributed to enduring efforts to innovate and reform. To enhance Singapore as a forum of choice in international restructuring and insolvency proceedings, the Rules of Court […]

Gabriel The

Gabriel The (pronounced TAY) is passionate about building a mission-driven company with a clear and focused goal to make significant impact in people’s lives. He runs marketing at AsiaLawNetwork and also leads content strategy.

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