Prenuptial Agreements – the importance of being consistent.

Reading Time: 5 minutesPrenuptial agreements are increasingly becoming more prevalent and commonly accepted by parties looking to set out how they intend to agree on financial settlement terms in the event of a divorce. Approaching the topic of preparing and executing a Prenuptial Agreement is always a sensitive topic that should be broached frankly and as an honest […]

10 things to know before entering into a Pre-Nuptial Agreement
Legal Everyday,Marriage,Uncategorized

Reading Time: 7 minutesA pre-nuptial agreement, or a “pre-nup” as they are commonly called, can be one of the most significant documents a couple signs together in anticipation of marriage. Time-stretched and stressed over wedding preparations, couples tend to routinely sign documents without batting an eyelash. These include purchasing a property together, paying hefty deposits to secure their […]