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HONG KONG: HKEx’s censure of Golden Meditech and censure/criticism of various directors
Business,Hong Kong,Regional Law

Reading Time: 6 minutesIntroduction The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited censured Golden Meditech Holdings Limited (the “Company”) (stock code: 801) and a number of its current and former directors for committing numerous serious breaches of the Listing Rules in relation to the disclosure and shareholders’ approval requirements as well as the directors’ ability and the failure to […]

A Practical Guide to Registering Designs in Singapore
Business,Intellectual Property

Reading Time: 6 minutesGreat designs provide great value. They attract customers, build loyalty and help increase market share. Given the importance of design in today’s world, understanding how to obtain proprietary rights over valuable designs can give you a serious leg up on the competition. What Are Registered Designs? Simply put, registering a design protects a product’s aesthetic […]

我能否带孩子离开香港?– 解读香港法庭审理的搬迁案例
Divorce and Child Custody,Hong Kong,Personal,Regional Law

Reading Time: 1 minutes香港是国际金融中心,因为工作搬迁到此的情况也是十分常见。父母离异时,其中一方到底能不能带孩子回到本国的家?



Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions answered by an Intellectual Property Lawyer
Intellectual Property

Reading Time: 6 minutesAsia Law Network sits down with Jeremiah Chew, an intellectual property and technology lawyer based in Singapore, to get his views on the top questions frequently asked about Intellectual Property. Jeremiah specializes in intellectual property, technology and competition law. He regularly advises on IP registration, licensing and transactions involving the sale and acquisition of IP […]

Vietnam Legal Update: Additional Permitted Cases on the Use of Foreign Currency in the Territory of Vietnam
Business,Business Advice,Regional Law,Vietnam

Reading Time: 2 minutesIt is Circular No. 03/2019/TT-NHNN dated 29 March 2019 (“Circular 03”) due to amend Circular 32/2013/TT-NHNN dated 26 December 2013 (“Circular 32”), the State Bank of Vietnam relaxes the restrictions on the use of foreign currency in Vietnam. Principle of restriction on use of foreign currency in Vietnam Under Circular 32, except for 16 limitative […]

Outrage of Modesty: Risks and Legal Recourse

Reading Time: 4 minutesOn 28 March 2019, the Straits Times reported the case of Bryan Fang Zhongquan: Fang was jailed for 12 weeks for “[filming] 14 women relieving themselves”. Earlier in the month, an SMU student was arrested for “aggravated outrage of modesty”; in a separate incident, a construction worker was jailed for molesting a boy on the […]

Myanmar Tax Update: The Ministry of Planning and Finance Removes 2% Advance Income Tax Exemption on Exports for Taxpayers Under the LTO and MTO1
Business,Myanmar,Regional Law,Taxation

Reading Time: 2 minutesThe Myanmar Ministry of Planning and Finance (“MOPF”) recently issued Notification 38/2019 dated 8 April 2019 removing the 2% advance income tax exemption on exports previously granted to taxpayers under the Large Taxpayers Office (“LTO”) and Medium Taxpayers Office No. 1 (“MTO 1”) effective from 1 May 2019. The 2% advance income tax was introduced […]

Having your home en bloc in Singapore?
Personal,Properties and Real Estate

Reading Time: 3 minutesNumerous successful en bloc sales (collective sales) have been boasted of on newspaper headlines recently.  The common en bloc involves all the units in a condominium (strata-titled development) being sold to a developer and the proceeds being divided amongst the unit owners.[1] During the collective sale, some condominium unit owners (subsidiary proprietors) have been awarded […]

Employment,Hong Kong,Personal,Regional Law

Reading Time: 1 minutes于2015年7月29日,平等机会委员会(「平机会」)公布,已根据《性别歧视条例》(「该条例」)在区域法院代表一名女士(「申索人」)向其前雇主(「雇主」)提出法律诉讼,追究雇主:(i) 须就其雇员作出的非法性骚扰行为负上转承责任;及 (2) 由于申索人提出性骚扰投诉(「该案件」)而令她遭到受害歧视。

PDPA Update: Can businesses collect my NRIC number, or retain my NRIC?
Business,Data Protection

Reading Time: 5 minutesThis article aims to provide an overview of the NRIC advisory guidelines[1] that is effective on 1 September 2019 (“New Guidelines”) under the Personal Data Protection Act[2] (“PDPA”) and the practical issues that organisations may encounter in relation to the New Guidelines.   An overview of the PDPA and the New Guidelines  The PDPA and what it […]

HONG KONG: Trademarks with vulgar meaning may be invalidated in the PRC
Business,Business Advice,Hong Kong,Regional Law

Reading Time: 4 minutesIntroduction On 3 February 2019, the Higher People’s Court of Beijing Municipality (“Beijing High Court”) handed down its judgment and determined that the trademark “MLGB” had a vulgar meaning, was of low style, and may endanger the socialist morality; and therefore shall be invalidated in accordance with Article 10(8) of Trademark Law of the People’s […]

Vietnam Legal Update: New Rules Governing Investment in Vocational Education
Business,Regional Law,Vietnam

Reading Time: 4 minutesThe Government of Vietnam’s Decree 15/2019/ND-CP dated 1 February 2019 detailing the regulations and measures for implementing the Law on Vocational Education (“Decree 15”) replaces Decree 48/2015/ND-CP detailing the regulations for the Law on Vocational Education (“Decree 48”). Decree 15 took effect on 20 March 2019 and introduces major differences with the requirements previously required […]


SMU Lexicon: A Non-parent’s Maintenance Obligation

Reading Time: 7 minutesIntroduction Imagine you marry someone with a child from a prior relationship. Initially, you do not mind caring for this child. Then, your marriage sours and you no longer want anything to do with your spouse or the child. However, can your initial conduct of caring for the child unknowingly saddle you with a legal […]


Singapore’s latest push as a restructuring and insolvency hub – Amendments to SICC rules

Reading Time: 3 minutesSingapore has earned a budding reputation as a hub for debt restructuring and insolvency in Asia, with its transparent legal system and judicial expertise. This growth can also be attributed to enduring efforts to innovate and reform. To enhance Singapore as a forum of choice in international restructuring and insolvency proceedings, the Rules of Court […]

Gabriel The

Gabriel The (pronounced TAY) is passionate about building a mission-driven company with a clear and focused goal to make significant impact in people’s lives. He runs marketing at AsiaLawNetwork and also leads content strategy.

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