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SMU Lexicon: Further amendments to the Companies Act: Annual General Meeting and Annual Returns Filing Requirements
Legal Updates

Reading Time: 6 minutesIntroduction In 2017, the Companies Act[1] (“CA”) underwent another round of reform. Among the new legislative changes are the modifications of the statutory requirements for the annual general meeting (“AGM”) and annual returns (“AR”) filing.[2] These modifications should minimise the regulatory burden on companies in two ways.[3] Firstly, there will be new and more straightforward […]

Lao PDR Tax Alert: New Amended Law on VAT
Business,Business Advice,Laos,Legal Updates,Regional Law

Reading Time: 5 minutesThe Amended Law on Value Added Tax Law (No. 48/NA, dated 20 June 2018) (“Amended Law on VAT”) was posted on the Lao Official Gazette on 4 December 2018 and is effective from 18 December 2018. We summarize in this client alert the key important points to note from the Amended Law on VAT. 1.       […]

Changes to Singapore’s Goods and Services Tax Regime – What do you need to know?
Business,Business Advice,Legal Updates

Reading Time: 4 minutesIntroducing Overseas Vendor Registration and the Reverse Charge Mechanism. In October 2018, the Goods and Services Tax Act was amended so that Goods and Services Tax (“GST”) in Singapore will extend to imported services from 1 January 2020 onwards. Starting from 1 January 2020,[1] GST will be introduced on imported services via: an Overseas Vendor […]

Managing the relationship between shareholders and your business in Australia
Australia,Business,Business Advice,Regional Law

Reading Time: 4 minutesGetting a new business up and running can be a difficult and at times convoluted process. Expanding the business by obtaining funding and dividing equity amongst shareholders can be both exciting and daunting. When there is more than one shareholder in a business a Shareholders Agreement is a critical and necessary document for you to […]

SMU Lexicon: Punitive Damages & Contract Law: Implications of Airtrust
Legal Updates

Reading Time: 7 minutesIntroduction  In PH Hydraulics & Engineering v Airtrust,[1] the Singapore Court of Appeal (“CA”) addressed a significant point of law in respect of the availability of punitive damages for a breach of contract. In its judgment, the CA held that concept of punishment has no place in the common law of contract. This case note […]

The Case of “I did not know that I needed a Personal Data Protection Policy in My Organisation”
Business,Business Advice,Data Protection

Reading Time: 5 minutesThe “I did not know!” Defence and “Do I really need not have A Personal Data Protection Policy in My Organisation, I didn’t think I needed it”? That is exactly what the management of “Bud Cosmetics Pte Ltd” (“Bud Cosmetics”) told the Commissioner of the Personal Data Protection Commission in Re Bud Cosmetics Pte Ltd [2019] […]

Commentary: Employees and your business in Australia
Australia,Business,Business Advice,Regional Law

Reading Time: 3 minutesA CHECKLIST TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE Employing people in your business is both an exciting milestone but can be burdensome given the robust employment law regime in place in Australia. Ensuing that you and your business are in line with the requirements of employment laws is important, both to the longevity of your company and your […]

Thailand Tax Alert: Thai Government Announces New International Business Center (“IBC”) Tax Incentive
Legal Updates,Regional Law,Thailand

Reading Time: 3 minutesOn 28 December 2018, the Thai Revenue Department (“TRD”) announced a new program of tax incentives through the issuing of Royal Decree No.674 (“RD 674”). Key points of RD 674 Section 3: Definition of IBCs Section 4, 5 and 6: PIT at 15% for foreign nationals working for IBCs and their required qualifications Section 7: […]

Singapore Trade Marks – New Yorker S.H.K Jeans GMBH & Co. KG Succeeds on Partial Revocation Against Daidoh Limited’s Registered Mark – New Yorker S.H.K Jeans GMBH & co. KG V Daidoh Limited [2017] SGIPOS 16
Business,Intellectual Property,Legal Updates,Trade Marks

Reading Time: 5 minutesIn a decision rendered by the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS), IPOS ordered for partial revocation against Daidoh Limited’s registered trade mark. (A) Who are the parties involved in this case? (a) New Yorker S.H.K Jeans GmbH & Co. KG (“Applicant”) (b) Daidoh Limited (“Registrant”) (B) What actually happened? On 7 September 2011, the […]

What constitutes money laundering?
Business,Business Advice

Reading Time: 9 minutesMoney makes the world go around. This phrase very aptly describes the reason behind the innumerable safeguards against money laundering. Money laundering can be defined as the process of converting money obtained from criminal activities into money that appears to have been obtained from legitimate means. The issue of money laundering has been in the […]

Hong Kong Regional Update: How does the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 apportion liability in collisions?
Hong Kong,Regional Law

Reading Time: 3 minutesIntroduction In a situation where vessels are dangerously approaching each other and the action of one vessel alone may not be enough to avoid a risk of collision (i.e. a close quarters situation), it is rather difficult to assess the respective blameworthiness and causative potency of the vessels involved. In Owners and/or Demise Charterers of “TS […]


SMU Lexicon: A Non-parent’s Maintenance Obligation

Reading Time: 7 minutesIntroduction Imagine you marry someone with a child from a prior relationship. Initially, you do not mind caring for this child. Then, your marriage sours and you no longer want anything to do with your spouse or the child. However, can your initial conduct of caring for the child unknowingly saddle you with a legal […]


Singapore’s latest push as a restructuring and insolvency hub – Amendments to SICC rules

Reading Time: 3 minutesSingapore has earned a budding reputation as a hub for debt restructuring and insolvency in Asia, with its transparent legal system and judicial expertise. This growth can also be attributed to enduring efforts to innovate and reform. To enhance Singapore as a forum of choice in international restructuring and insolvency proceedings, the Rules of Court […]

Gabriel The

Gabriel The (pronounced TAY) is passionate about building a mission-driven company with a clear and focused goal to make significant impact in people’s lives. He runs marketing at AsiaLawNetwork and also leads content strategy.

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