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Cambodia Legal Alert: Certain Foreign Organizations and Agencies Exempt From Implementation of Prakas 442 and 443
Business,Cambodia,Employment,Legal Updates,Personal,Regional Law

Reading Time: 2 minutesFollowing the issuance of Prakas 442 on the Payment of Wages dated 21 September 2018 and Prakas 443 on Seniority Payments dated 21 September 2018, the ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (“MLVT”) issued official Guideliens 044/19 on the Implementation of Prakas 442 and 443 for Personnel of Foreign Missions, Agencies of the United Nations […]

Parties to arbitration in Hong Kong can apply for interim measures in Mainland China
Business,Hong Kong,Regional Law

Reading Time: 3 minutesBackground Under the Hong Kong’s existing Arbitration Ordinance (Cap. 609), the parties to arbitral proceedings in other places, including Mainland China, may apply to the courts of Hong Kong for interim measures. However, under the Arbitration Law and Civil Procedure Law of Mainland China, only parties to arbitrations seated in Mainland China and administered by […]

Tech-celerate for Law: Get on track with technology adoption
Events and Photo Gallery

Reading Time: 2 minutesTech-celerate for Law is an initiative by the Law Society of Singapore, the Ministry of Law, Enterprise Singapore and the Info-communications Media Development (IMDA). Building on the success of the Tech Start for Law Programme, Tech-celerate for Law prepares Singapore Law Practices (SLPs) for future disruptions beyond baseline technology adoption, empowering SLPs to focus on […]

Vietnam Legal Update: Draft Amendment to Labour Code
Business,Employment,Personal,Regional Law,Vietnam

Reading Time: 3 minutesOn 28 April 2019, the Ministry of Labour – Invalids and Social Affairs published a draft law amendment to the Labour Code (the “Draft Amended Labour Code”). A considerably substantive amendment, this Draft Amended Labour Code is comprised of 17 chapters and 221 articles. This amendment will be officially submitted to the National Assembly at […]

INDONESIA: Inter-State Letters Rogatory and Delivery of Court Documents
Business,Business Advice,Indonesia,Regional Law

Reading Time: 2 minutesOn 20 February 2018, the Supreme Court and Ministry of Foreign Affairs (“MFA”) concluded a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the Handling of Requests for Technical Assistance in Civil Matters (“2018 MOU”). This new MOU replaces the previous MOU signed on 13 February 2013 (“2013 MOU”). Unlike the 2013 MOU, the 2018 MOU is supported with […]

VIETNAM: Compulsory social insurance payment has left foreign employees awaiting guidelines

Reading Time: 4 minutesThis article was first published on the Sai Gon economic times on 15 November  2018. After a long period of waiting, the Government issued Decree No. 143/2018/ NĐ-CP detailing the Law on Social Insurance (SI) and the Law on Labour Safety and Hygiene (LSH) with respect to compulsory SI for employees who are foreign citizens working […]

HONG KONG: Can an internal non-legal representative of a litigant be a member to a confidentiality ring?
Business,Business Advice,Data Protection,Hong Kong,Regional Law

Reading Time: 4 minutesIntroduction Taching Petroleum Company Limited (“Taching”) and Shell Hong Kong Limited (“Shell”) have respectively sold industrial diesel oil to Meyer Aluminium Limited (“Meyer”) and sue for the diesel oil purchase price. In its defence, Meyer argued that Taching and Shell have colluded to fix the price or exchanged price information in breach of the First […]

VIETNAM: Draft Decision 3 and Vietnam’s Solar Future from July 2019
Alternative Energy,Business,Regional Law,Vietnam

Reading Time: 3 minutesOn 12 April 2019, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam (the “MOIT”) released a new draft Decision (the “Draft Decision 3”) that will replace Decision No. 11/2017/QD-TTg issued by the Prime Minister of Vietnam dated 11 April 2017 (“Decision 11”) on mechanisms to encourage the development of solar power projects in Vietnam. Introducing […]

INDONESIA: Digital Financial Innovation Regulation – New Era of a Dynamic Digital Economy
Business,Business Advice,Indonesia,Regional Law

Reading Time: 4 minutesIn order to support innovations in the financial technology sector at its current expeditious pace, the Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan – “OJK”) has implemented a ground-breaking regulatory policy through OJK Regulation No. 13/POJK.02/2018 concerning Digital Financial Innovation in the Financial Services Sector (“OJK Regulation 13/2018”). This long-awaited regulation aims to provide a regulatory corridor […]

Feature with Lim Seok Hui, CEO of Singapore International Arbitration Centre
Features,Lawyer Features

Reading Time: 7 minutesIn line with Singapore’s vision of becoming an international arbitration hub, the work done by the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) is nothing short of phenomenal and pioneering. When it comes to embracing thought leadership and SIAC’s direction in the future, Seok Hui, CEO of SIAC, is optimistic and passionate. “We have a responsibility to not […]

Business,Hong Kong,Intellectual Property,Regional Law

Reading Time: 1 minutes随着全球知识产权交易日益增加,人们更需要高效的争议解决程序。为推动香港成为知识产权交易枢纽及国际知识产权仲裁及调解中心,律政司于2015年12月发布了《2016 年仲裁(修订)条例草案》咨询文件,旨在了解是否需要就知识产权争议的仲裁问题修订法例。目前,香港既没有具体法例条文、亦没有权威性的判例清楚说明,香港法律是否承认涉及知识产权争议的仲裁结果。香港法例第609章《仲裁条例》并无说明哪些种类的主题事宜可透过仲裁解决。


SMU Lexicon: A Non-parent’s Maintenance Obligation

Reading Time: 7 minutesIntroduction Imagine you marry someone with a child from a prior relationship. Initially, you do not mind caring for this child. Then, your marriage sours and you no longer want anything to do with your spouse or the child. However, can your initial conduct of caring for the child unknowingly saddle you with a legal […]


Singapore’s latest push as a restructuring and insolvency hub – Amendments to SICC rules

Reading Time: 3 minutesSingapore has earned a budding reputation as a hub for debt restructuring and insolvency in Asia, with its transparent legal system and judicial expertise. This growth can also be attributed to enduring efforts to innovate and reform. To enhance Singapore as a forum of choice in international restructuring and insolvency proceedings, the Rules of Court […]

Gabriel The

Gabriel The (pronounced TAY) is passionate about building a mission-driven company with a clear and focused goal to make significant impact in people’s lives. He runs marketing at AsiaLawNetwork and also leads content strategy.

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